"We all want love. We all need love. And no matter how much we push it away or pretend to deny ourselves of it, our hearts will always desire it.”
― Corey M.P.
Dare you dream?
You’ve been single for some time now. Maybe 3 or 4 years, or maybe 20. You’ve gotten used to being alone. Yet it’s hard sometimes coming home alone from a night out, putting the key in the door knowing there is no one there.
Having no one with whom to share your life and its joys, like the smile on your grandchild’s face when you tell a silly joke, or the sight of a magnificent rainbow across the valley after rain. No one to hold you in your frustration or anxiety or during bad times.
You tell yourself you would prefer to be lonely rather than sitting on the couch watching tv beside someone with nothing to say. But still you are left with your loneliness. Above all, you miss being touched.
You’ve longed to meet your soulmate, longed for a loving relationship, a relationship of comfort, ease, support and romance, like the ones you see amongst your friends.
But, as an woman, it seems impossible to meet men, impossible to find the one man who is right for you.
Dare you dream that you could meet someone? Dare you dream that you could actually meet your beloved and build a joyful life of loving connection together?

"To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything." -T. Toli
The Temptation to Give Up
It's hard to keep faith when nothing pans out, and the temptation to give up on your dream is huge. Why put yourself through all this? I understand that. I've been there myself. The lowest point for me on my journey to love was the night I lay in bed, sobbing, because another man had pulled back from our relationship.
In the midst of my tears, I realized that I was not so much sobbing because he had gone, but because my dream had been dashed. And I was thinking to myself: "Is this it? Am I going to look back at the end of my life and my biggest regret will be that I never met my beloved, my soulmate?" The thoughts of that was more than I could bear.
I asked myself "why do I keep meeting men who are not available in one way or another?" And that was my big ah-ha moment. Like a lightning bolt, the answer came: "Because you are not available". It was true. I wasn't available. I was carrying all sorts of negative beliefs and fears about myself, about men, about dating, and about relationship.
That night I determined I would use my Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) skills and let go all the obstacles I was putting in the way. Three months later, I met my beloved Jack.

Opening the Door
"You can't stay locked in your room
and expect either you to find love
or love to find you"
You don't need to stay in that locked room. You can open that door and be ready for love to come in.
This program is an opportunity to open that door, an opportunity to let go the obstacles and create your Love Manifesto, your key to finding love.

I am 65 years old. My body is post-menopausal, has 40 extra pounds, and I am soft where I used to be taut. I was not confident that I could attract a mate now. When I looked in
the mirror, I saw a woman that I know I want to love but in actuality I felt a deep disappointment that I had allowed myself to get to this condition. I asked myself, "Who could possibly find you attractive and, if they did, YIKES! What then?"
This is where Brenda Blair helps me. First, I needed to clear the residue from my past love interest. I couldn’t move forward if I was tethered to the past through unresolved issues. Like a surgeon, Brenda was able to help me identify the deep seeded beliefs and we were able to release them.
Next came the need to feel good in my skin. To be able to look in the mirror and celebrate my mature, womanly body and know that when I meet the right person I will lovingly and confidently share myself physically with them. Once again, Brenda helped me to break my own long held core belief that I had to look a certain way to be attractive.
The good news is that with Brenda’s assistance I have found a loving, satisfying (in all ways) relationship. I went from fear that I was unavailable emotionally, unattractive, embarrassed and shy, to confident, hopeful and most importantly I love myself so I am able to love someone else.
Thank you, Brenda, for helping me rediscover the woman who was always there. Alex E.
Your Love Manifesto
There are 3 keys to finding love: persistence, ownership of beliefs, and clarity. Creating your Love Manifesto is a demonstration of your persistence. The process of creating it enables you to take ownership of how your patterns and your beliefs have gotten in the way of you finding love.
When your Love Manifesto reflects the clarity regarding relationship you wish for, and you believe it will happen, and put it out there, then you send out a strong message to attract the beautiful man who is looking for you.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. – Rumi
Join Me and
Unlock the Secrets to Finding Love After 50
This 6-session online program will help YOU find the keys.
Class Modules
Module 1: Letting go your beliefs
We start by letting go beliefs you may have about finding love: you are too old; too fat; men are only interested in younger women or sex, there are no good men out there, you can't trust dating sites. Whatever the negative belief it gets in the way of you finding love.
Module 2: Letting go the debris.
What's the debris from past relationships and childhood experiences that you bring to relationship? Do you keep attracting the same sort of men, creating the same sort of relationships?
Here you get to identify your primary attachment style and see how it is not about the men - it's about you and the baggage you bring. Clearing the debris is essential if you wish to create a very different sort of relationship to previous relationships.
Module 3: You in Relationship
Now we turn our attention to creating your Love Manifesto. What do you have to offer to a loving relationship, what qualities, what strengths? What are your values? Do you know your "must-haves"? Do you know your "non-negotiables". Where do you doubt yourself? Do you believe you are lovable? If you don't, who will?
We take time to let go any negative beliefs that arise as you identify who you would be in relationship.
Module 4: The man who is right for you!
Here we turn our attention to the kind of man you want your partner to be. What are the most important values and characteristics that are "must-haves" for you in the man that you would want to spend the rest of your life with? Identifying any negative beliefs you may have about the possibility of meeting such a man, negative beliefs about men in relationship, we tap to let these go.
Module 5: Your vision of relationship
What is your vision of relationship? Bringing together the values and qualities you would bring to relationship, the values and qualities your beloved would bring, your essential "must-haves", what would your relationship look like?
Do you have any doubts about the possibility of creating such a relationship? These doubts are your "yes buts" , all the reasons you hold why it can't happen. Once you recognize them, they can be tapped away.
Module 6: Your Love Manifesto
So now, you have your love manifesto. Let's stress test it. How happy are you with it? How well does it represent you and what you would like in relationship? If you read it aloud, do you have any "yes, buts"? We will tap on releasing these "yes, buts".
We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of online dating. Your Love Manifesto can be the basis for a dating profile which, with the help of a little known tweak, can provide a profile with the WOW factor. Whether you choose to join a dating site or not, your Love Manifesto is your declaration to the Universe that you are ready for love.
Included in the program is:
When it's time for souls to meet,
there's nothing on earth that can prevent them from meeting, no matter where each may be located -
Jaime Lichauco
For information on working 1:1 with me, please see here
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