What if I were to tell you that by tapping on specific points on your hands and head while saying aloud phrases, you could let go the idea that you are too old for a relationship, or that there are no good men out there, or that you don’t have a good track history with relationship so no point in even trying, or …..  or….  or…. ?   Would you believe me? Would you think I’m crazy?

I would have, before I encountered Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)/Tapping.   In fact, I was downright skeptical the first time a friend suggested I go and see a demonstration. It couldn’t be that easy, surely.  Then I saw it in practice and saw just how powerful it could be.  How powerful it can be in letting go beliefs, and fears, and past patterns.

The neutral networks in our brains can change (neuroplasticity).  So, say you are a small child and a dog pokes its head in your stroller. You get a fright and as an adult have a fear of dogs.  EFT can help you release that fear.  

Similarly, if for example, you believe you are fat and no man would ever love you, that belief can be let go.  Along with all the other beliefs and fears you carry about yourself, men, dating and relationships, or old patterns in relationship. 

"Brenda is nothing short of amazing when it comes to knowing and guiding someone through EFT. She expertly and compassionately guided me to access and rewrite a long forgotten imprinting around betrayal. I am forever grateful for this experience in profound healing." Julie W.

For EFT to be truly effective, we work with situations specific to you and with your own words.  Tapping on acupuncture points while repeating a phrase related to what is going on, we acknowledge what is present with us  and accept ourselves anyway. Changes happen in our neural pathways and the fear gets released from the brain. 

More than 100 peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown the efficacy of clinical evidence-based EFT.  

If you are interested in learning more about how EFT works, you could check out this short video by David Feinstein on How Energy Psychology Works.  Or check out the EFT Resource Hub

EFT is a powerful tool for releasing what gets in the way of you finding your beloved